WEEKLY PREDICA Las cuatro piedras sobrantes – Ps. Danny Serrano Message from comunidad de fe 8 septiembre, 2024. https://storage.googleapis.com/stateless-staging-new-cdfe-net/2024/09/08-09-24-Las-cuatro-piedras-sobrantes-Ps-Danny-Serrano.mp3 WHO WE ARE We are a church established in faith to work miracles in our city and in our country. We are passionate about bringing the gospel to those who do not know it and discipline them in the word of God CHURCHES IN THE ECUADOR Pichincha Imbabura Orellana Azuay Sucumbios Pichincha Imbabura Orellana Azuay Sucumbios Our FoundersPs David and Kathy Ingman KNOW US We invite you to our cellClick on this link ASSIST A CELL Resources